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July 29, 2007


Ejaz Asi

Hey, thanks for blogging that. I am glad you found it worth blogging or sharing. Well, what more could I say? I think if we humans did not stop for a while to look around and reflect upon things that may seem mundane, harmless and otherwise "taken for granted", I just fear we may be loosing an enormous part of the universe we live in. Without looking around, reflecting and thinking about ways to make some change, well, we won't be humans, then. Just some bunch of beasts or something.

P.S. do you really think central-aligned content (at right) is more readable or neutral as compared with left-aligned?


I'd like to blog more on the subject of respecting all life. Often times, it seems easier to blog on tech issues. I'm not afraid of complexity, but the fast pace of blogging often doesn't lend itself to reflective, thoughtful posting. I was happy to discover yours and do a small part in leading people to it.

As to whether the sidebar should be left or center aligned, I don't know, I've had it all ways over the short two year life span of this blog -- even right aligned briefly. What I'm attempting is to identify that column as a sidebar, not another column of body text. How would you do it?

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